Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I just played 4 Christmas concerts and made some bank. The music wasn't hard, but I got this sinus infection that is killing the whole right side of my face. It feels like I got socked in the right cheekbone. Leland Christmas concerts coming up Tuesday and Thursday. I can't wait to get those done and over with. I need to spruce up my concerts more so I am inspired to make them better. I have been letting my kids get away with too much mediocrity. I spend so much time yelling at the kids who really suck and not enough time making the mediocre kids good and the good kids great.

Here are some highlights for Tuesday's Orchestra and band concert (7:00 at Leland Cafeteria tickets are $5 at the door, please pay so Justin can go to San diego):
J.S. Bach- Double Violin Concerto in D Minor with M. Akasako and R. Nishijima as the soloists
G.F. Händel- Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
A. Ginestera- Danza finale from Estancia
G. Woolfenden- Illyrian Dances
Christmas songs to include Patapan, Do You Hear what I hear?, and some others

Highlights for Thursdays choir concert(7:00 Leland Cafeteria, tickets $5 at the door, please pay so Philip can go to San Diego):
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day, A la nanita nana, Fum Fum Fum,
Willan- Hodie Christus Natus Est
Durufle- Ubi Caritas
Lauridsen- O Magnum
and some more Christmas favorites (ding! Fries are done!)


  1. you guys should do a all bells version on carol of the bells liek this

  2. We will be doing the acapella version of carol of the bells. you won't want to miss it, these kids can sing it well.

  3. Yeah, focus on the mediocre and good kids, because once they are great, they'll inspire the others to rise to their level!
