Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The End of Violence

Today I got an email from MoveOn.com about how our progressive politicians are going to back Obama in extending the tax cuts put in place by Bush. The democrats want to increase taxes, basically. I would like to pay less taxes, so I'm not going to sign their stupid petition. This is such a political move to raise taxes. Democrats think they are being fiscally responsible by doing this. Republicans just want more money for themselves and I'm inclined to agree with them. We should cut spending if we want to save some money.

So let's cut the war! Our clandestine operations are merely helping the rich. Violence costs way too much and it is a human choice to be violent. All religions teach non-violence, yet none of these pious fools listen. They use their religion as an excuse to be imperialists. We raise armies to protect our lands and way of life, but I see no threat to our lands in North America.

I'm taking up a cause to end violence. It should start in schools and churches and should be supported by governments. Naysayers will say that it is impossible to end violence, but I firmly disagree. In my own life, I have never been in a fight. The only violence I have ever been a part of was being bullied in middle school, some incidents where my parents chose not to spare the rod, and my brother and I quarreling over something ridiculous. I have shot a few guns in my life, but only at paper. In no way was I ever thinking of shooting somebody or using a firearm as a weapon. Shooting guns is a fun sport though and should be a sport for people like me who have great eye-sight.

Just like Gene Roddenberry invisioned an Earth where currency was a thing of the past and everyone had a personal communicator, I share his vision. We have cell phones now and iPads and iPhones. We can access any information from pretty much anywhere at any time. Replicating food, transporter beams, and space travel are in the works. Data storage is something that has made huge leaps that were never thought possible. Medicine has artificial organs. So why aren't we revolutionizing social issues?

Violence is a choice. Do your part in being peaceful and we can end violence.

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