I have family, friends, students, and colleagues who love me for who I am more than what I do.
I have a nice place to live, a car, an apartment, a job that affords me my lifestyle.
I have no enemies, no outstanding debts, and nothing to be stressed about.
I have good health.
Which brings me to these "I haves"! I realized that I and many American children are all raised with the mentality of having stuff. My mother convinced me when I was young to be a doctor so I could drive a BMW. I'm sure she also thought I would want to help people. Santa Clause is the ideal of having stuff on Christmas if you were a good boy. The whole Jesus and Christian thing is about going to heaven so you can have all this stuff when you are there.
AND THE FEAR OF NOT HAVING!!! How many of you cried watching Disney's the Christmas Story because Ratchet got squat for Christmas? You pitied him because deep down you were afraid you wouldn't get anything for Christmas if your parents were poor. How many of your parents pointed out a homeless man and said thats what happens when you don't go to school because then you can't get a job causing you to fail and live on the streets?
Kings and Queens once ruled our lands across the world because they were appointed by God. God was worshiped and feared by all humans. This fear of God drove man to work to feed, protect, and honor his king. Now our primary source of motivation for the continuity of human life is having shit and the fear of not having shit.
Can anybody really have enough shit? Where do we stop and say "I have enough shit,"? And what do we do when we have acquired enough shit? Get a wife, have kids, and buy all of them shit? Some would say give it away. Why? So other people need more shit?
I'm going out today with grandma and grandpa to buy some shirts. It is to replace some old ones that have alot of food stains on them. So I am replacing old shit with new shit.
Answer me this: When do we have enough shit and what do we do when we have acquired it all?
Love this post Rian! So you and so relevant. :) Research demonstrates that humans and animals alike will continue to consume, even to self-destruction, when given an endless supply. I think it is our duty to our intelligence and humanity to think reasonably about needs and nourishment. It is the conscience being that can choose wisely to feed itself and know the delicate balance between wealth and excess. Health is wealth. Anything else risks destruction.