I watched this great movie that you all need to watch. It's called "I Like Killing Flies." It's a documentary about a man who runs a restaurant in the Village and has an amazing philosophy on life. So this is what I got out of it:
I'm totally a piece of shit. I'm selfish and do everything for me. To think that I'm a good person and that I'm "enlightened" and that my shit don't stink is selfish, cause really I'm not. Having the mindset that I'm a good person is like getting an expensive car and never getting a scratch on it. Being a person in this world is all about getting some scratches, dings, accidents, and eventually my motor will die or I will crash and be hauled off to the junk yard (maybe even my parts will be salvaged). Why buy a beautiful car if you aren't going to drive it? Why be a beautiful person and not drive the road of life?
That's some deep shit!!!
sounds like romels life!