So every year at some point we have a disaster drill at school. The most relevant being an earthquake drill here in the bay area. So here is what happened today:
We're rehearsing our music and our earthquake drill is announced, so we are all supposed to duck and cover under desks. Music rooms, however, don't have desks. So I tell kids to get under the piano, doorways, and stuff of that nature. This creates some chaos especially for the one kid who thinks this is all a bunch of bullshit and that he can just sit at the piano and play. So once this is over, we have to evacuate, so that means I have to lock my doors and leave. Since I have three sets of doors to lock, I tell the kids to go on without me and I'll catch up.
So I lock the doors and I go out there to see the vice principal yelling at my kids on the bullhorn to stop singing. The gentlemen in my choir thought it would be funny to sing Marching to Praetoria as they marched out to the soccer field. When I finally caught up to the kids, I was told by the vice principal that my kids were misbehaved. I finally corralled all my students, took role and told them to sit down while I go take care of my responsibilities in this drill. I go do that then I come back and give the kids a piece of my mind and how they behavior reflected poorly on me. When were dismissed to go back to class I told them to sit down and don't say a word. They obeyed.
When they were all seated and silent, my vice principal came in to have a word with them. She told them that in an emergency, it is not okay to make alot of noise.
I wasn't that mad that the students did what they did. I was a tiny bit embarrassed. Reza happened to be there at this time because he wanted to drop by, say hi, listen to the choir, and give me some coffee. When I told him what happened he told me I should be proud that they are so passionate about singing. I think he is right. This is the first time I have had a choir that is not embarrassed to sing in public. They are made up of the kids like Andy Chung, who would bust out in song in the airport if every part was covered. Granted, that is not my personality. But this choir has that personality and I am proud. When I was telling the teachers in the lunch room, they just laughed. Kids will be kids. I think we all did the right thing. My vice principal did her job, she is supposed to be the mean lady that takes away the fun. I did my job of yelling at them because I had to be told to keep my class in control, and they did their job in being good choir students. My program is definitely getting better!!!
yay a comment, thats hella what you just thought. and thats like hella cool of your kids, kids are so boring and unoriginal now.