Sunday, April 24, 2011

More Foods

Most underrated and rare breakfast called the Dutchbaby, try it sometime. Had this with yet another Kenny and Jeremy after an awesome CMEA performance at Mountain View High School.

guilty pleasure! Creamy alfredo with sundried tomatoes, chicken, and garlic bread.
Eating alot of fish these days
California's fruit of Monterrey county, artichokes with some fresh trout.

Best fucking lentils ever!

Boil 2 cups of water. When water is boiled add 1 cup of french lentils. Reduce heat to medium. Cook for 30 minutes. About half way through the lentils being done, chop an onion and fry in some oil. Smash up a clove of garlic and add to it. Take a cardamom pod, smash and add. Add 2 dashes of tumeric and 2 dashes of cumin. Let that cook for 5 minutes. Add a bunch of spinach and let wilt. Once that is done, the lentils should be ready. Add the cooked lentils to the spinach and stir it up. Cook it up a few minutes, add some salt, and serve!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Four Twenty

What bothers me about our lawmakers and society is that it is okay to own a gun to kill people, but it is illegal to smoke cannabis which doesn't kill anybody. Where is the logic in that?

April 20 is a day that people in my community celebrate cannabis. It is also the anniversary of the Columbine shootings and Hitler's birthdate. Yesterday we had a faculty meeting about code-red procedures. The person doing the presentation said that its only a matter of time before somebody comes on campus and shoots us. We're supposed to keep students in the class and barricade our doors and keep out of the "fatal funnel". We were also told that it's not called "code-red" anymore because the person who created the procedure has a copyright on it and if we use those procedures, that person should get royalties.

I realize that fear is a product to be sold and it always has been. Let me offer some examples:
  • In Pre-Protestant Europe, the Catholic Church sold indulgences so people can sin and still get into heaven
  • In the 1950's, people bought bunkers to build in their backyard for when Russia nuked America
  • In California, supplies of Potassium Iodide sold out after the Fukashima Nuclear plant halfway around the world released some radiation
  • need to explain how millions stocked up on survival supplies and filled their bunkers for the coming apocalypse
  • Handguns...anyone who needs one is probably afraid of something
  • The TSA
  • A few of my Asian friends have never played baseball in his life, yet he owns a ba
The business of selling lock-down procedures, federalizing airport security, buying baseball bats without the intention of playing America's pastime seems to be a lucrative business these days. If we didn't broadcast all of the world's atrocities on network news 24 hours a day, what would this world be like?

Everyone is more scared of you than you are of them. -Fight Club