Watching the PBS news hour, I learned that giving a tax cut to the top 2% wealthiest people in the USA would cost around 70 Billion, but extending unemployment would only cost 19 billion. Where would this money go? 70 Billion to the richest people would probably help wealthy people put their money in their business, which would create jobs for the middle and lower class, right? Maybe they would give bonuses to their top management. Do you really think this money would be spent here in the US in stimulate the economy...probably not.
If you spend it on unemployment, that money would be spent on stuff here like housing, food, automobiles, and stuff that would essentially stimulate the economy. Am I missing something here? Why would republicans want to choose the 70 Billion dollar option? Greedy bastards.
I think we should also get rid of our nuclear weapons. Call me naive, but who would really try to turn the US into a crater? I feel like owning a nuclear weapon is like owning a semi-automatic gun, only if you are afraid of your neighbor do you need one. What government would even have the resources and military to invade the US? I feel that the only reason other people are getting nukes, like North Korea and Iran, get them because they are afraid of us. Lets show the world that we are done with our imperialism. Lets keep our military to defend our borders, but why bother with anything else?
Lets spend that money on education. Imagine how enriched our lives would be if public education in America had the budget that our current military has? Imagine how our world would be if we dismantled all of our military and just spent it on education. So much fear rules our world.
I'm done with fighting and war. People fight because they're afraid. In high school why do kids fight? "You disrespected me, you disrespected my girl, you disrespected my friend." Gangs fight because of some economic disrespect, "you're selling drugs in my neighborhood."
Let's just make music together. Let's write, paint, sculpt, build, make movies, grow fruits and vegetables, care for animals, study history, explore space. Seeing this as our future, there is no room for fear, only love.