Don't forget to read the note after the pictures.

The View from the front patio

Yummy frog legs

On one of the fan boats with Larry the Cable Guy as my pilot

Yeungling on Tap

Palm I think is the new beer by the makers of Stella Artois

More yeungling by the beach (btw the last three beers were consumed in a pretty short amount of time with Kenny and his parents. This was followed by a beer sampling at a microbrew, and I kept drinking when I got home cause I didn't want to sober up before I slept)

Kenny is always talking about chipped ham and how good it tastes like fuckin' ham, whats the big deal?

Some gumbo made by the neighbor for poker night. Not as good as mine. I lost $20, but had some cohibas and enjoyed myself. I should have taken pictures of the dogs at this house. A sheepdog and a jack russel. Apparently the jack russel killed a racoon the other day and catches at least 6 gekko lizards daily.

My favorite drink of the summer. Its called a John Daily becuse its an alcoholic version of an Arnold Palmer. Come over if you would like to try when I get back. I will be getting some of the vodka infused iced tea.
I don't know if I'm really enjoying this vacation yet and maybe I won't. At home I wake up and do whatever the fuck I want. Sometimes I read for a few hours, sometimes I watch a movie, make breakfast, take a shower, go visit my mom or grandparents, practice trumpet, or whatever. Being in this house, I'm never afforded a space for peace and quiet to just read my fuckin' book. There is always a radio, TV, or live music going on in this house at all times in every room. Furthermore Frank is going deaf and so everyone is always yelling at him. I am enjoying the food and drink, though.
Everyone in Florida is a fuckin' republican and thinks Obama is a communist and they compare him to Hitler and give him way too much credit. The truth is Obama hasn't done shit. He hasn't done the shit he said he would and hasn't done shit that he wouldn't do. So how is he a fuckin' communist if he hasn't done anything, period? Well I get to hear about it every fucking day at dinner from somebody who thinks that Sarah Palin is better qualified. Yeah, thats right! Sarah Fucking Palin! The women who wouldn't be able to point to Russia on a goddamn globe. The political discussion came to an end today when Lianna told Frank to "Shut the fuck up!" (btw Frank and Lianna are Kenny's parents).
It is so goddamn hot in Florida, no wonder everyone watches Fox news all day long. I like it better than Arizona heat. The humidity makes my skin feel good. If Kenny had his way, we would golf every fuckin' day in this fuckin' goddamn heat. I didn't go today, I hung out with Lianna where I got to drink beer and wine in the grocery store as we shopped. Man can she talk. I think she talked so much she has a sore throat now. I had chick filet for lunch.
Going to Harry Potter land on Monday. We checked a rock climbing gym out today, but I thought it would be rude if I went climbing and Lianna just watched me the whole time. Besides, there weren't really any crashpads.
I really miss my friends and brother. I miss my coworkers and students, too. Haven't seen them in a month and there are some students I won't ever see again. I miss rock climbing and the nice moderate weather in the bay area.