Sunday, December 12, 2010

Soup's on!

Tomato Bisque with garlic bread and Bijan's sinful arugula salad

Tortilla Soup from 2 weeks ago

Saturday, December 11, 2010


As I was waiting for one of my colleagues to vacate the bathroom so I could make a deposit, I went over to talk to the P.E. teacher who was supervising his class playing soccer.

Rian Rodriguez: Man, you got it great! You get to run around in the sun and play some soccer all day.

P.E. Teacher: I wish... For the most part, all your students want to be in your class, right?

Rian Rodriguez: Yeah, for the most part.

P.E. Teacher: Most of these kids don't want to be here. The ones that do like sports get out of taking P.E. because they have sports, what is left is the general population of kids who hate taking P.E.

Rian Rodriguez: I remember how my two favorite subjects in 4th-6th grade was Band and P.E., what happened in 7th grade that made it so bad? Maybe getting bullied in the locker room?

P.E. Teacher: That could be it, because 7th grade is when you started changing in front of people. It's also when you get a bad attitude about other things and by the time you get to high school, P.E. isn't fun at all anymore.

Rian Rodriguez: I remember teaching a couple of classes where no one cared or wanted to be there, it really sucks. Thats too bad that kids don't look forward to playing in P.E. when they're in high school. It's only when they get older when they will realize what they were missing out on.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The End of Violence

Today I got an email from about how our progressive politicians are going to back Obama in extending the tax cuts put in place by Bush. The democrats want to increase taxes, basically. I would like to pay less taxes, so I'm not going to sign their stupid petition. This is such a political move to raise taxes. Democrats think they are being fiscally responsible by doing this. Republicans just want more money for themselves and I'm inclined to agree with them. We should cut spending if we want to save some money.

So let's cut the war! Our clandestine operations are merely helping the rich. Violence costs way too much and it is a human choice to be violent. All religions teach non-violence, yet none of these pious fools listen. They use their religion as an excuse to be imperialists. We raise armies to protect our lands and way of life, but I see no threat to our lands in North America.

I'm taking up a cause to end violence. It should start in schools and churches and should be supported by governments. Naysayers will say that it is impossible to end violence, but I firmly disagree. In my own life, I have never been in a fight. The only violence I have ever been a part of was being bullied in middle school, some incidents where my parents chose not to spare the rod, and my brother and I quarreling over something ridiculous. I have shot a few guns in my life, but only at paper. In no way was I ever thinking of shooting somebody or using a firearm as a weapon. Shooting guns is a fun sport though and should be a sport for people like me who have great eye-sight.

Just like Gene Roddenberry invisioned an Earth where currency was a thing of the past and everyone had a personal communicator, I share his vision. We have cell phones now and iPads and iPhones. We can access any information from pretty much anywhere at any time. Replicating food, transporter beams, and space travel are in the works. Data storage is something that has made huge leaps that were never thought possible. Medicine has artificial organs. So why aren't we revolutionizing social issues?

Violence is a choice. Do your part in being peaceful and we can end violence.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Economics and Politics

Watching the PBS news hour, I learned that giving a tax cut to the top 2% wealthiest people in the USA would cost around 70 Billion, but extending unemployment would only cost 19 billion. Where would this money go? 70 Billion to the richest people would probably help wealthy people put their money in their business, which would create jobs for the middle and lower class, right? Maybe they would give bonuses to their top management. Do you really think this money would be spent here in the US in stimulate the economy...probably not.
If you spend it on unemployment, that money would be spent on stuff here like housing, food, automobiles, and stuff that would essentially stimulate the economy. Am I missing something here? Why would republicans want to choose the 70 Billion dollar option? Greedy bastards.

I think we should also get rid of our nuclear weapons. Call me naive, but who would really try to turn the US into a crater? I feel like owning a nuclear weapon is like owning a semi-automatic gun, only if you are afraid of your neighbor do you need one. What government would even have the resources and military to invade the US? I feel that the only reason other people are getting nukes, like North Korea and Iran, get them because they are afraid of us. Lets show the world that we are done with our imperialism. Lets keep our military to defend our borders, but why bother with anything else?

Lets spend that money on education. Imagine how enriched our lives would be if public education in America had the budget that our current military has? Imagine how our world would be if we dismantled all of our military and just spent it on education. So much fear rules our world.

I'm done with fighting and war. People fight because they're afraid. In high school why do kids fight? "You disrespected me, you disrespected my girl, you disrespected my friend." Gangs fight because of some economic disrespect, "you're selling drugs in my neighborhood."

Let's just make music together. Let's write, paint, sculpt, build, make movies, grow fruits and vegetables, care for animals, study history, explore space. Seeing this as our future, there is no room for fear, only love.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rock Fish

Try this recipe if you like fresh fish:

Olive Oil in the pan, fry some garlic
season your fish with salt, pepper, thyme
Fry up the fish only 3 minutes on each side then remove to a plate
add a generous amount of White wine and a big nub of Butter
Reduce, serve over the fish with some spaghetti squash and broccoli.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Made these last night with a nice mayonnaise dipping sauce. Used panko breadcrumbs for these pancakes. Thinking about eating the left overs for breakfast.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Thanksgiving Post

Uncle Mike's classy treasure chest of Bud Light

Our delicious spread of spirits and dessert. Cousin Travis brought the Greenlabel to share. The Knobb Creek that I sipped on all day is not pictured .

Uncle Mike made two delicious and rich cheesecakes. The one pictured on top is a lemon cheesecake and on the bottom is a pumpkin chocolate cheesecake.

I designed the place settings this year. A gold charger with white plates. Water Goblet and Wine Glass on the right.
This is the Bird we cooked this year only 1/4 of the way done. It was delicious and irresistable. We put all the stupid gimmicks to shame. This turkey was put in the oven at 8:30 AM and taken out around 2:00 PM. It was brushed with melted butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. Pinot Grigio wine was put in the bottom. Yes! it was stuffed! No it wasn't dry! No brine, no herbs under the skin, just a good oven and great cooking technique makes the perfect turkey.

This was a very wonderful thanksgiving feast. I am very grateful for all the wonderful things in my life. I have money, friends, family, and a job to go to everyday. My house is warm, my fridge is full, I have abundant hair, an internet connection, nice skin, talent, and good penmanship.

I was recently accepted to attend a conducting masterclass in Leipzig in February. I will be conducting Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony, Beethoven 5th, and Don Juan. This should be great fun.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have been making a soup every week for the past few weeks. Each week is going to be a soup I have never cooked before. Here is the schedule.

Oct 24- Split Pea with Ham
Oct 31- Potato Leak
Nov 7- Avgolemono (Greek lemon chicken soup)
Nov 14- Pozole
Nov 21- Navy Bean
Nov 28- Tortilla Soup
Dec 5- French Onion
Dec 12- Tomato Bisque or Lobster Bisque (if I can get some)
Dec 19- Pumpkin Soup
Dec 26- Suggestion?
Jan 2- Suggestion?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The State of Education

This is going to be a long one, I hope you have time...

This morning I was thinking about block scheduling and how the math and foreign language teachers are totally against it because they would have to rethink the way they teach. When you have the same power point for ten years of teaching Algebra 1, it would be a difficult change. We wouldn't want our most important teachers to have to change the way they teach. The fact of the matter is that kids need to learn math. It is the only subject that we can quantify in a test score. There is only one right answer for a math problem. 2 hours of math homework every night should be minimum if we want to keep up with Iran and North Korea.

English teachers have been complaining that the district wants to get rid of books and just teach everything out of a textbook and the same anthology. This would cut costs and even the playing field. The district wants to be able to measure in a benchmark test score and the only way is if all of the students read the same thing at the same time. It would also be cheaper to buy one textbook instead of a bunch of different novels. Just like North Korea, we should only read books by our Dear Leader. That ensures that everyone gains the same superior knowledge.

If you want all students to graduate high school with the same knowledge, lets keep doing what we're doing. Let's also get rid of all the arts and music or at least keep it as an "elective" so as to make sure that students all come out the same. I mean who gave these people called "artists" license to teach? All they did was take a bunch of LSD in college and splatter some paint, make bongs in ceramics, and sing in the choir for the free trips to Europe. Get a real job and learn some math and go be an engineer like everyone else.

Only Spanish should be taught as a foreign language because our students need to be able to read and write "Slave". Don't teach them how to converse either (not that they teach this anyways) because Spanish speaking people need to just obey orders and non-Spanish speaking people are supposed to give them.

I have nothing to say about history and science other than it makes for a good AP class. Those are important in raising the API score of any school or district. Although we shouldn't be teaching the lie of evolution. Everyone knows that man came from Adam and Eve. Able and Cain were their two offspring and those two men procreated to have civilization as we know it until that flood wiped out everyone and the son's of Noah procreated. I guess two men can have offspring, but they can't get married in California because that would ruin the sanctity of marriage.

Physical education is important. At the moment our youth become more and more obese. All I ask is to find a positive way to teach kids how to enjoy physical activity. My PE experience was one that many youth experience, a place for ridicule. My lack of self-esteem was only magnified in this class.

Education is here to create the drones of society. They should all think the same, act the same, and dress the same. If a kid can't learn in the way we teach, prescribe him some drugs so that he will. It should be a well-oiled machine.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Concerts and the last few weeks

So after my birthday there was a week of work Furlough. That means I didn't work and I didn't get paid. Furthermore I called in sick on friday and the fuckin' district is going to dock my pay unless I have a doctors note. This policy is to ensure that teachers don't take a day off work before the vacation to get an extra day of work. God forbid that we should get a longer weekend.

Then I had work on Monday, went and saw his Holiness the Dalai Lama on Tuesday, a concert on Wednesday, and a concert on Thursday. Friday I rode my bike to work and back with Reza. Saturday I went rock climbing in the morning and the Latino Fundraising ball on Saturday night. Sunday I watched the Raiders and Giants lose, I lost in one fantasy league and beat Nolan in the other one.

I would like to share a verse from the text of གླང་རི་ཐང་པ། called Eight Verses for training the mind that I was taught by the Dalai Lama

With a determination to accomplish
The highest welfare for all sentient beings
Who surpass even a wish-granting jewel
I will learn to hold them supremely dear.

Whenever I associate with others I will learn
To think of myself as the lowest among all
And respectfully hold others to be supreme
From the very depths of my heart.

In all actions I will learn to search into my mind
And as soon as an afflictive emotion arises
Endangering myself and others
Will firmly face and avert it.

I will learn to cherish beings of bad nature
And those oppressed by strong sins and suffering
As if I had found a precious
Treasure very difficult to find.

When others out of jealousy treat me badly
With abuse, slander, and so on,
I will learn to take on all loss,
And offer victory to them.

When one whom I have benefited with great hope
Unreasonably hurts me very badly,
I will learn to view that person
As an excellent spiritual guide.

In short, I will learn to offer to everyone without exception
All help and happiness directly and indirectly
And respectfully take upon myself
All harm and suffering of my mothers.

I will learn to keep all these practices
Undefiled by the stains of the eight worldly conceptions
And by understanding all phenomena as like illusions
Be released from the bondage of attachment.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First 30 Years of life

So as of tonight around 2:42 AM, I will have completed my first 30 years of life. I was thinking about all the things that I should have done while I was in that youth...I did them all. I was thinking that I never got into a fight, but I don't regret that. Fight Club being one of my favorite books and films, I could definitely appreciate the quote that says, "A man can't know himself until he has lost in a fight." But to me, getting in a fight means that you cannot resolve your conflicts like a civilized person.

I'm sad that my 20s are over, but happy that I'm starting the second of the three sections of my life.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pretty Uneventful lately

Work is in full swing now, so my weekends have been more geared towards rest. This Friday I played in a golf tournament with a few colleagues. It was a fundraiser for the sports program at my school.

Last week I had a total of 7 students suspended from school in my classes. 6 of them were in chamber choir.

I made some really good beet greens the other day. I used bacon. Bacon makes everything taste good.

On Friday I'm going camping, my birthday is on Thursday, and I have the whole week off the following week. So let's chill.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sometimes even I fuck up

My baguettes turned breadsticks. Had my oven set to 400 not 375. FAILURE! We'll see how they taste, hopefully better than they look.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sexy Salad Niçoise

This dish I first encountered while conducting at the Medomak Retreat for Conductors. The had these wonderful cooks there that cooked all of the meals. The most memorable dish, aside from the lobster, was the Salad Niçoise. This dish was so foreign to me because you get this plate of vegetables that are all seperated and some tuna. I wasn't even a big fan of tuna at the time. But, I love potatoes and eggs and green beans. So I made this dish tonight to have for lunch and share with one of my colleagues. We have decided to make lunch for each other every other day. So tomorrow being my turn, I chose this simple dish that is so tasty and sexy all at the same time.

While making the dressing, I realized how delicious my dressing is. I started eating it all up. Let me share with you my recipe for the dressing. These are not exact measurements so use your best judgement.

1/4 cup rice vinegar
1 tbsp. Dijon Mustard
1 tsp. Honey
1 tsp. finely chopped sage
1/2 tsp. finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp. salt
ground pepper
4 tbsp. Olive oil

Whisk and love

Here is a pic of alex's dogs, lol.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Arnold Palmer's that happened on Tuesday with me and Alex. Had a good time downtown for happy hour at E&O Trading Co.

I've been making some delicious whole wheat bread. No preservatives or diglycerides.

Made some awesome pizza this weekend. Partied Friday night and Saturday night with good friends. Golfed on Saturday my best game ever (which is only a 102). Good weekend.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

mmm donuts, doh!

So in my quest for eating healthy real food, mostly fruits and vegetables, I had a half a donut today. The donut called to me in a very seductive voice, "hey sweet cakes, come eat me." I couldn't resist, so I ate half. A half hour later I was the grumpiest person, had a headache, came home and thought I was going to throw up. My body felt poisoned. I could fell it all throughout my body. I wanted to yack. I took a nap and woke up in this haze. It was like being high of some bad chronic. No more donuts for me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

In defense of food

I just finished reading this book. It's incredible! It is really everything I believe in about food. I just hate it when people say I eat too much butter and too many eggs. Fuck You! You drink too much high fructose corn syrup and eat partially hydrogenated soybean oils. Go buy some corn and make some high fructose corn syrup and add that to your fuckin coffee in the morning.

If I wasn't already somebody who takes my food very seriously, I am now. The next step I am taking in my new relationship food is prayer. Now many of you who know me probably just took a double take. When I was in Florida, Kenny's Mom and Dad prayed at every meal. At first I laughed because Kenny's dad said the thing so fast that it had no meaning. But after 6 days of it, I came to appreciate it as a ritual. I'm not interested religious propaganda, but I'm interested in the ritual of taking time to acknowledge one's food and to have gratitude in one's life. I'm not doing cause I'm afraid of hell like most Christians or to be righteous. My motivation is pure gratitude to the cow that gave it's life, the farmer that stuck the zapper up its butt to kill it, to the Mexican that uprooted my potatoes, to Simon the checker at Safeway, to my mom, dad, and grandparents who taught me how to cook.

I offer this prayer, because it sounds cool (in latin):
Benedic, Domine, nos et haec tua dona quae de tua largitate summus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen

(Bless us o Lord for these thine gifts we are about to recieve and the bounty of Christ our Lord, Amen.)

My mom told me it also changes the molecular structure of your food. She says that praying over water also does and there is some visual evidence of that happening. Here is a link to a website that gives evidence of that.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First week of school

Pretty good week of school. Kids are pretty chill. I kicked one kid out this week cause he couldn't follow the rules. He never has followed the rules and he is a good cellist. I think he thinks I am a pushover and he can get away with breaking all the rules. Even when I have gave him saturday school or something, he still went on to do the shenanigans he enjoys. Well...I don't have to deal with him anymore. Other than that, kids are pretty cool. Honeymoon period will be over in another week and we'll see the little monsters for what they really are.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Commencement of Summer

What an incredible summer. I think most of it is highlighted in the previous posts. I'm very sad to go back to work to start the new year. I wish that my old chamber choir from last year didn't graduate and I could just start rehearsing with them tomorrow. I wish I could pick up my trumpet and jam with the jazz band from last year. And I wish I could conduct the band with the kids I had in 2008. But its a new group of kids this year and I should look forward to making great music with a new group that may be better than any of the years. Its just going to take so much damn work.A pic of Kenneth and I reminds me of Napa and bouldering and all the rock climbing we did and making a bunch of music, too. Rock climbing is awesome because it pushes my physical and mental limits all at the same time. The fear of falling, the commitment, and the strength all combined into one. Golf is another activity that pushes your emotional limits because when you are frustrated, you still have to swing the club as gracefully as possible.

I'll miss Philip being in my class. He was one of my many students who graduated last year and had me all 4 years. He wasn't the best musician, but he was the best student. I heard a recording of the jazz band of 2008 and then compared it with what he did in 2010 and its like two different drummers. He was timid as an underclassman, but I pushed him and I kicked his ass. I scolded him when he was bad and praised him when he was good. I taught him that it is more about the confidence you have playing than the actual notes, which is probably the most important lesson he learned. It was his confidence that in the end made him a great drummer. Philip reminds me that that is what teaching is about. Not making the best ensemble, but making the best person. This year's goal is to make every student a confident musician.

translation of Choral piece

Wisdom 3:1-2a,3b

Latin.png Latin text

Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt,
et non tanget illos tormentum mortis.
Visi sunt oculis insipientium mori,
illi autem sunt in pace

English.png English translation
Translation supplied by The St. Ann Choir, directed by William Mahrt

The souls of the just are in the hand of God,
and the torment of death shall not touch them.
In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die;
but they are in peace.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

final count of the damage before school starts and Kenny has back hair

Just a sunburn there, look closely...
Yes I'm not the only one!

Final count of booze the week before school starts between just 3 people:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

6 wines, 2 days, 2 people drinking

kenny ktfo!

I had a little bit too much wine last night...Me and kenny drank the three on the right last night. Alex, Kenny, and I drank the three on the left plus a bottle of Gamay Rouge from the V. Sattui winery that is not pictured when we got back from our napa adventure. So 7 bottles of wine and 4 people? But alex doesn't count cause he only had a few glasses since he on Vicodin for his shoulder surgery. The bottles on the left were my favorite. The Ink Grade Port from Heitz cellars and the 2006 Sharecropper Cabernet from Oregon.

La Bottega, Hand-cut Whole Egg Linguine, Manilla clams, Calabrese sausage, garlic, basil, parsley, white wine

Friday, July 30, 2010

Its been very quiet since Starcraft II came out

So what have I been doing? I painted a picture for my living room. You like? Comments? Criticisms? If you don't like it, you can fuck off, cause I like it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dad's Birthday

Thought I had some pics of the shitty Chinese food I had with my parents for my dad's birthday. I gotta get them to like the good shit. Taiwan Restaurant really sucks. Wonton soup was good. Anyways, after watching Inception, I decided to cook. Made this delicious pan-seared and then roasted chicken thighs, wild rice, and green beans. I took the juices (plus some chicken stock and wine I cooked the chicken in) and made a demi-glace. Practicing the 5 mother sauces. Béchamel, Hollandaise, and demi-glace I got down. Now for tomato and Espangol.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Food and Jam

Today started out with a trip to the farmer's market with Kenny. I got some fresh corn, celery, onion, carrots, beets. strawberries, and nectarines. Then went out to breakfast at Southern Kitchen where I had a very satisfactory bowl of Menudo. Not better than Aunt Minnie's or Grandpa's, but the best I have ever had in a restaurant.
We had a jam session at my house. Kenneth was inspired to play jazz after our trip to SD. So Kenneth, Kenny, Jared, and I got together for a little jam. BTW Kenneth plays the cello. So we jammed on a little Blue Monk and then So What (sounds kinda nice with a cello bowing the bass part). I made BBQ chicken with brown rice and corn. My beet salad took too long to make so we didn't end up eating that. Lina stopped by with some delicious pastries. Between the 4 of us we finished 18 brews and a bottle of port. Fun day/night.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Climbing in SD

Some sick rock climbing this week in Santee with Bijan and Kenneth. Nice views, great beer, good times.

Friday, July 16, 2010

an epiphany

A Box of bananas is sitting in your path that say free bananas. One person passes it up because they are not hungry. One person takes one for him and one for his wife. One person takes them all so they can sell them and make a profit.

Which person are you?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Healthy Meal Number 1

My trip to Florida had some of the most fantastic homemade food I have had that wasn't my own mother's or grandfather's. My friend Kenny's mom, LeAnna, made some delicious meals. These included creamed eggs, crêpes with cottage cheese and cherries, polenta with marinara, cappellini with aeoli (olive oil, garlic, and anchovies), and the most delicious latkas I have ever had. My response to this is that I have filled my quota of home-cooked delicious and not-so-healthy food. She made this because Kenny doesn't get to have this often. She doesn't cook like this all time.

So I am committed to finding new delicious meals that are very healthy, nutritious, and satisfying. We made grilled turkey breast, wild rice salad, and corn on the cob. The rosemary, sage, basil, and mint were fresh herbs from my mom's garden. The turkey was rubbed with fresh herbs and olive oil as was the corn. The rice salad had oranges, pistachios, and basil.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Vacation better

Well, the last three days have been very busy. Cocoa Beach yesterday, Harry Potter today, golf in the morning tomorrow. Then going back home on Wednesday. Have been drinking less, no politics have come up, and it has been good times. It rained the last few days and its been cooler. I just love how one minute it is sunny and hot and the next its pouring rain with thunder storms.

Can't wait to come home and chill out for a few days. Doing too much stuff here, need to slow down. I wanna finish The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao sometime in the next week. Need my pool, my weather, my peace and quiet, my bed, and some sleep.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Florida with Lianna, Kenny, and Frank

Don't forget to read the note after the pictures.

The View from the front patio
Yummy frog legs
On one of the fan boats with Larry the Cable Guy as my pilot
Yeungling on Tap
Palm I think is the new beer by the makers of Stella Artois
More yeungling by the beach (btw the last three beers were consumed in a pretty short amount of time with Kenny and his parents. This was followed by a beer sampling at a microbrew, and I kept drinking when I got home cause I didn't want to sober up before I slept)
Kenny is always talking about chipped ham and how good it tastes like fuckin' ham, whats the big deal?
Some gumbo made by the neighbor for poker night. Not as good as mine. I lost $20, but had some cohibas and enjoyed myself. I should have taken pictures of the dogs at this house. A sheepdog and a jack russel. Apparently the jack russel killed a racoon the other day and catches at least 6 gekko lizards daily.

My favorite drink of the summer. Its called a John Daily becuse its an alcoholic version of an Arnold Palmer. Come over if you would like to try when I get back. I will be getting some of the vodka infused iced tea.

I don't know if I'm really enjoying this vacation yet and maybe I won't. At home I wake up and do whatever the fuck I want. Sometimes I read for a few hours, sometimes I watch a movie, make breakfast, take a shower, go visit my mom or grandparents, practice trumpet, or whatever. Being in this house, I'm never afforded a space for peace and quiet to just read my fuckin' book. There is always a radio, TV, or live music going on in this house at all times in every room. Furthermore Frank is going deaf and so everyone is always yelling at him. I am enjoying the food and drink, though.

Everyone in Florida is a fuckin' republican and thinks Obama is a communist and they compare him to Hitler and give him way too much credit. The truth is Obama hasn't done shit. He hasn't done the shit he said he would and hasn't done shit that he wouldn't do. So how is he a fuckin' communist if he hasn't done anything, period? Well I get to hear about it every fucking day at dinner from somebody who thinks that Sarah Palin is better qualified. Yeah, thats right! Sarah Fucking Palin! The women who wouldn't be able to point to Russia on a goddamn globe. The political discussion came to an end today when Lianna told Frank to "Shut the fuck up!" (btw Frank and Lianna are Kenny's parents).

It is so goddamn hot in Florida, no wonder everyone watches Fox news all day long. I like it better than Arizona heat. The humidity makes my skin feel good. If Kenny had his way, we would golf every fuckin' day in this fuckin' goddamn heat. I didn't go today, I hung out with Lianna where I got to drink beer and wine in the grocery store as we shopped. Man can she talk. I think she talked so much she has a sore throat now. I had chick filet for lunch.

Going to Harry Potter land on Monday. We checked a rock climbing gym out today, but I thought it would be rude if I went climbing and Lianna just watched me the whole time. Besides, there weren't really any crashpads.

I really miss my friends and brother. I miss my coworkers and students, too. Haven't seen them in a month and there are some students I won't ever see again. I miss rock climbing and the nice moderate weather in the bay area.